Welcome to Nowhere.

The purpose of this site is to help you find FREE and reliable data online.

It is mainly intended to help you screen contacts and find out information about people. Companies can charge substantial sums to find out very basic information that is available to anyone.

The latest page in our search section. When you register a domain you are required to enter some personal information

We will also look at other free resources such as software, including the free tools used to create this website, run a newletter subscription list and maintain a presence online.

We will try to give you useful information on how to secure your own privacy and keep your own data safe online.

The latest page in our security section. How to set up Auditing of files in Windows.

Finally we will look at some "low cost" options to find out data held deeper on the web so that you can consider whether it is worthwhile using those services.

I would very much welcome any on-topic contribution you would like to make so please do email me any good resources you may have found out there?

Contact Details
0207 183 1051




A general statement about the purpose of the site or our reason for being. It is our about page but with a fancy name.

A government campaign to encourage good security practices on the internet

A charity set up to search for missing people

If you are familiar with http headers you will know that the http_user_agent passes a string of text that represents the browser you are using to browse the web page.

Search the blacklists for a domain or IP address and find out if that attachment is safe to open